Sunday 1 February 2009

Evaluation for music magazine:

My final music magazine design was for the genre hardcore dance. To create the right feel of a dance genre magazine I needed to start with some research towards it. To find out what to include, what djs were popular and what was that extra something different that I could offer my magazine to make it stand out to the rest of the dance magazines. To do this I created a focus group that liked dance music to help me decide what to include in my magazine. I also analysed existing dance magazines to focus on the good and bad qualities. The good points I incorperated into my magazine.
I used very bright colours because they suited the quirky dance look that I wanted to achieve. I was aiming my magazine at a younger audience of teenagers that were interested in the genre. The magazine also focus' on new clubs, djs and even down to earth stories. There is something for everybody for the ages 16-19 and even younger and older than these ages. The age range is vast which opens up the target audience. Most dance magazines include naked pictures of girls which can attract a vulgar male audience, however my magazine opens up the audience to both genders and a range or ages and personalties.
I feel that my magazine stuck to the brief of challenging music magazine conventions. However, it has originality with some qualities of a popular music magazine which would make it a good seller. My knowledge of textual analysis has increased from the prelmiary task and I am now able to use photoshop to a better ability so my photoshop work for my music magazine was to a better standard than in the prelimary task.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Music magazine - flat plans

Music magazine title ideas...

My hardcore dance magazine will need a title that is suitable for the music genre. The magazine name will need to be something that the reader will quickly associate with dance music. The title should not be overlong and should be easily recognisable, without any ambiguities to it. I need to consider a name that will not be confused with another magazine. The font needs to be carefully considered because it should not be too flowery or cartoon like. The title name will have to appeal to readers and be eye catching with a positve affect on those that read it.







Saturday 10 January 2009

Music magazine questionnaire

1. What shops do you normally buy your clothes from?

Republic New Look Topman Burton Topshop Primark River Island JD

2. What colour do you enjoy wearing the most?

Pink Grey Black Blue/navy Green

3. Who is your favourite dance dj?

Basshunter Cascada Ultrabeat Darren Styles Scooter

4. Do you prefer female or male djs?

Male Female

5. What clubs do you go to?

Dukes Barlambs Talk Mayhem Varsity Room 24

6. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Music Shopping Clubbing Seeing friends Sports